Saturday, July 08, 2006

2 Extremely Smart Women p27

We're the smart ones

The University of Padua was a pretty liberal and forward-thinking educational atmosphere. We visited the auditorium where they did autopsies of human bodies where tons of students would gather to watch. This practice was forbidden by the church, and when the officials would drop in to see what really went on in these presentations, the table displaying the cadaver would be flipped over, putting the body into the river, and replaced by a pig or some other legally accepted disectable animal. The whole place was pretty neat looking. Lots of graduation activities going on, and students and professionals everywhere. Our tour guide only spoke German and Italian, so we didn't catch much of the lecture she gave us about the place. We just wandered around the rooms we toured, though, and took it all in.

Another Ceiling

Same place, different part of the ceiling. Yeah, those Italians painted everything.


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